Chapter 6 Thoughts: Twitter

    Chapter 6 in the "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" textbook is all about how to use Twitter as a marketing tool. After reading this chapter, I came across several points that I thought to be useful for businesses to know about Twitter. 

    One of the things I thought would be useful for businesses to know were some of the statistics mentioned in section 3 of the chapter. The first of these statistics is that Twitter users spend around 25% percent more time viewing ads than users of any other top platform. This gives businesses the opportunity to get their ads in front of more eyes. Another statistic is that nearly 70% of Twitter users have bought an item from a brand after following a brand account. These two statistics alone make Twitter seem like very good ground for companies to market themselves as the users are active towards brands.

    The second bit of information I saw to be useful was the demographic of Twitter users. Like all social media platforms, Twitter has its own niche where companies can take advantage. Firstly, the most popular age range of Twitter users is between 25 and 34 years old. Brands trying to attack this similar target should know this information to best market themselves. Another demographic is that the majority of users are males (56.4%). This is another telling demographic for brands that are wanting to attract the attention of more men. In other words, Twitter is great for marketing towards young adults and for men.

