Choosing a Social Media Platform

    Chapter 3 in the "Essentials of Social Media Marketing" textbook is about the steps in making a social media marketing strategy. Of all the steps in the steps in the process, I want to talk about step 6. This step is in section 7 of the chapter, and it talks about businesses choosing the right social media platforms for their specific industry.

    This is a big deal for brands because if they aren't on the right platforms of social media, they might not be reaching their target audience, and on the contrary, some brands might be on the wrong platforms for their industry and wasting time and money by promoting on those platforms. These are reasons that it is very important for brands to strategically select which platforms to be on.

    The textbook shows that there are some platforms that are universally good for all industries. The list includes Facebook and YouTube. However, it also says that each platform has a specific audience and way of sharing information, so a brand shouldn't just jump to those two examples. One way businesses can figure out whether they are reaching the right audience on platforms is by viewing their account's metrics, which can point to the best platform for their brand. Choosing the right platforms can help make a company more profitable and be seen by the right people.


  1. Hey Cade, was just wondering if you think it would be more successful to have many avenues of social media for a company, or focus their resources on two or three mediums? Great work!

  2. Hey Cade, great post. To answer Gabe, I think that they should have many different social media demographics that keep a consistent personality.


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